Provide 24/7 Coaching to All Your Clients

Imagine how much impact you could make if your clients could text you 24/7 and get an instant response

It was about 10 P.M on a Sunday. My wife and I had finally turned the TV off and let our heads rest on our pillows. It was time to sleep and recharge before the hectic week ahead.

Then I heard a vibration on my nightstand.

“Probably just a meme” I thought as I ignored it.

Then I heard the vibration again.

And again.

Seven times total.

Annoyed, I lifted myself off my pillow and reached over to the nightstand. There were no memes. The vibrations were a client repeatedly texting me about an “emergency". He sent seven texts. I thought “this must be serious." Maybe he broke his back? Maybe his kneecap shot off his body and he needed legal advice?

I groggily opened my phone, clicked the green message icon. As I opened the text message I realized…

There was no emergency.

He just didn’t know what to eat.

That’s not an emergency I thought. Just go read one of the hundred emails I’ve sent you about food choice. Go on my social media and watch any of the countless videos I’ve created about the same thing.

This is the burden of coaching. You care so much that you don’t build boundaries. You want to be there for all your clients to solve all their problems.

But the thing is that your client’s problems happen at all hours of the day. They don’t just happen when they’re with you at the gym.

That’s a recipe for disaster. You give so much of yourself and your time away, that you’re left with nothing for yourself. No time to recharge, no time away from work.

That’s where Pillar’s AI Nutrition Coach Comes In

Here’s the thing. Reaching out to you outside the gym can be nerve wracking for your clients as well. Most of your clients are great people who don’t want to intrude on your personal time.

But that’s a stressor as well.

How many times have you asked a client how they ate over the weekend only to hear about multiple trips to KFC, Dairy Queen and six bags of Swedish Fish?

Both scenarios are problems because we’re not serving our clients

But Now You Can

I could keep talking about this system and how amazing it is- but I’d rather you just try it and see how it works. Fill out the form below me to try it out.